I’m Not Who You Think I’m Not #8: departure

Koleka Putuma © Mawande Sobethwe

Free admission

May-Ayim-Ufer 5–9
10997 Berlin

I’m Not Who You Think I’m Not #8: departure
Performance by Koleka Putuma, in cooperation with Each One Teach One (EOTO) e. V.


the action of leaving.

leaving, going, going away, going off, leave-taking, withdrawal, exit, egress, quitting, decamping, retreat

departure is a visual-spoken word performance that looks at how anti-black and antagonistic environments often render the hyper-visible body invisible, forcing it to construct avenues of escape or departure that enables it to be free.

The voice in departure is both heard and muted.
The body in departure is both seen and invisible.

I’m Not Who You Think I’m Not #8: departure is supported by the Schwarz Foundation.