I’m Not Who You Think I’m Not #29: Movimento I

movimento I – Parado é suspeito, photo: Lara Carvalho


Akademie der Künste
Hanseatenweg 10
10557 Berlin

I’m Not Who You Think I’m Not #29: Movimento I
Mario Lopes with Denilson Oliviera, Lenna Bahule and Paulo Monarco
Dance performance
5 €

Movimento I is a study on giving sonority to the body and body to the instrument. It gives vent to what starts in the sonorities of the past and continues to scream in the present. The movements follow the compass of command, which depresses the heartbeat; the silenced words that seek to manifest; and the ability to tell and retell.

Movimento I – parado é suspeito indicates the vivid impulse for creation and quotes a well-known phrase: “Negro parado é suspeito, negro correndo é ladrão.” (“An immobile black is suspect, a running black, a thief.”) As long as this sentence can still be found at police academies (or similar or the same, but not only) in Brazil and put into practice, there will be bodies insisting on their humanity.